Being educated means that you are in a better position when it comes to pursuing your dream career. If you are totally committed to doing something that doesn’t pay very well, at least it is your choice that you do it, rather than being forced to do it because you have no other option.
Education also opens doors into whole new areas that you may not discover if you were not educated because you will probably be more likely to mix with people with similar interests to yourself, and be able to share experiences that otherwise you would have been denied.
There is a difference between intelligence and being educated: Many intelligent people do not get the opportunity to benefit from being well educated and the result can be frustration at not being able to fulfill their potential. The fact that being educated will satisfy that frustration improves lives on its own.
The downside to being educated is that very often, the more you learn, the more you realise that you don’t know anything. Being educated seems to open a door into a whole new world that makes you want to stretch yourself just that little bit further until maybe the only achievement you seem to be making is not mercurial, but the satisfaction of just knowing things, that in itself is a huge life improvement.