
How does inclusive education promote successful learning?


2 Answers

Zelda Hopkens Profile
Zelda Hopkens answered

I would have to say that it is not conducive to learning. 

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

If done correctly, it teaches students they have more in common than they have differences. Unfortunately, there is that group of people who think regardless of the child's difference they should all be included in every class. If a student has disruptive tendencies, they need to be put in separate classes than those without them in the more focused classes.

Another flaw to this is not all teachers are trained for students with special needs, and the cost to do so is not worth the investment. In the US at least, schools are mostly underfunded. Putting them in the same school, where they can take some classes together and interact in such a way they can learn from each other would be ideal. Unfortunately, it also sets them up for bullying. Something that has not been controlled in our schools.

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