Explain The Effect Of Mother Tongue On English Language Usage In Nigeria?


1 Answers

Abi Ainscough Profile
Abi Ainscough answered
  • The use of English language in Nigeria
In Nigeria, over 400 different languages are spoken. On one hand, this provides an incredibly rich and diverse culture, and, because each sub-group in Nigeria has a different language, the identity of each sub-group is different to the next. However, on the other hand, this wide range of languages can create confusion, misunderstanding and difficulties.

English is not the "mother tongue" in Nigeria - Nigerians were already communicating using their own language or languages before the arrival of English. As a result, English should be described as a second language, with one of the 400+ languages being a first language to many Nigerians.

However, because English language is used in communication so widely throughout the world, many Nigerians have learned English in order to communicate with others on an international level. Because English is learned and spoken so widely throughout Nigeria, people with different "mother tongues" are able to understand each other through the use of English.

It is thought that English may eventually replace the 400+ languages spoken in Nigeria because it is so widely understood. English is taught in schools to young children, meaning that these children grow up to be fluent in English as well as, or instead of, their mother tongue.

For many people, this prospect is one to fear and avoid, because with the loss of so many languages inevitably comes the loss of culture, tradition and identity.

For others, this prospect is seen as a unification process, as it would allow all Nigerians to communicate freely with each other, without any misinterpretations or misunderstandings.

  • What is a mother tongue?
A mother tongue is so called because the mother of a child plays a large role in cultivating their language, and acts as a teacher and demonstrator in the use of language. Therefore, a mother language is the language in which a person can communicate at home, and in the wider community, and be fully understood by others. It is sometimes known as a "first language". Please note that a "mother tongue" is not the same as an "official language" of a country.

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