
How Can I Find The Unknown Base Of A Triangle?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Height 25000km angle at top 1 degree find base of Triangle
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Use Pythagoras theorem (need the know 2 side values) where a^2+b^2=c^2. A and b being the shorter lengths and c being the hypotenuse.
Or use trigonometry (need to know an angle and a side - works on right-angled triangles only) rule is SOH CAH TOA.  Sin =  opposite / hypotenuse, because = adjacent / hypotenuse, tan = opposite / adjacent...Which formula you use will depend on the information given in the question.
Opposite is the side opposite the angle, adjacent is the side against the angle. Hypotenuse is always the longest side of the triangle.
Hope it helped

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