So the answer is Yes or No depending on such things as the quality of the teacher's teaching during class time, the amount of homework given, the clarity of the instructions about the homework, the school's homework policies, the subject matter of homework, the child's abilities, and the home life of the family.
All participants in a child's education, the child, parents, teacher, school, and the wider school community each have an important role in education of which homework is a part.
Today more and more parents are considering some form of homeschooling because of the growing problems in public schools.
For example,
"Reasons for Homeschooling "Parents might choose to homeschool their child for many reasons. 2003 information from the NCES cites three most applicable reasons that parents cite for choosing homeschool:
1.Concerns about school environment. 85% of parents say their decision was partly based on worries about safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure in a public school environment.
2.Desire to provide religious or moral instruction. 72% of parents report that they homeschool because they want to incorporate religious study and/or personal ethics and worldview into their curriculum.
3.Dissatisfaction with academic instruction. 68% of homeschooling parents were unhappy with alternatives available to educate their children, and decided to take matters into their own hands."
Concerns over homework are part of the reasons parents consider some form of greater involvement in their child's direct eduction -- including some type of homeschooling.
Quote Source.