There are numerous kinds of Philippine narratives;
Some renowned Philippine narratives;
- Myth
- Legend
- Folk tales
- Stories
- Sagas
- Poems
- Chants
- Written records
- Histories
- Documentaries
- Creative formats or constructive formats are the work of writing, speech, poetry, prose, pictures, song, motion pictures, video games, and theater or dance.
- The genesis of the word narrate is from the Latin word, meaning "to retail", which is associated with the word gnarus which means "acknowledging" or "efficient".
- To summarize, the word was born from proto-Indo-Europe and means "to acknowledge". The word 'narrative' could have been an alternative to the word 'story', although narratives refer to a series of events - it is possible there will be narratives within narratives.
Some renowned Philippine narratives;
- Zoilo Galang - A Child of Sorrow (1921)
- Rodolfo Dato - Filipino Poetry (1924)
- Pablo Laslo - English-German Anthology of Filipino Poets (1934)
- Arturo Rotor - The Wound and the Scar (1937)
- Jose Garcia - Villa's Many Voices (1939)
- Salvador P. López - Literature and Society (1940)
- N. V. M. Gonzalez - Winds of April (1940)
- Angela Manalang-Gloria - Poems (1940)
- Doveglion - Poems (1941)
- Juan C. Laya - His Native Soil (1941)
- Carlos Bulosan - Chorus for America: Six Philippine Poets (1942)