
How Can I Solve This Problem? 2(x-y)=8 Where X=6


1 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
2(x-y) = 8 when x = 6

Step 1  substitute 6 for the value of x in the equation

2(6-y) = 8

Step 2  Tidy this equation up now

(2 x 6)+ (2 x -y) = 8

12 -2y = 8

Step 3 Solve for y

12 -2y + 2y = 8 + 2y ..... Add 2y to both sides.

12 = 8 + 2y

12 - 8 = 8 - 8 + 2y ..... Subtract 8 from both sides

4 = 2y

4/2 = (2y)/2 ..... Divide both sides by 2

2 = y

Always check your answer!

If you substitute the value for x (6) and the value for y (2) into the original equation, is it true?

2(x-y) = 8



8 = 8 .... Equation is true, the value for Y is correct when X = 6

I hope this helps

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