
16x+10-32=35-10-5 What Is The X Number?


3 Answers

Melody Adams Profile
Melody Adams answered
Your goal is to get the x on one side and the answer on the other side.
16x + 10 - 32 = 35 - 10 - 5
First, combine like terms.{10 - 32 = -22} & {35 - 10 - 5 = 20}
16x - 22 = 20
If you do the same thing to both sides of the equal sign the equation is still equal.
16x - 22 + 22 = 20 + 20
16x = 42
divide both sides by 16
16x/16 = 42/16
The 16s on the left cancel out.
X = 42/16 = 21/8
Always check to be sure you have the correct answer.
16(21/8) + 10 - 32 = 35 - 10 - 5
42 + 10 - 32 = 35 - 15
52 - 32 = 35 - 15
20 = 20
Yep, it works.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
16x+10-32 = 35-10-5
16x-22= 20
16x = 42
x = 42/16
x = 21/8

Answer Question
