
Why Shouldn't Kids Have Homework?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
6 reasons kids shouldn't have home work are...
1. It takes away from family time
2. It repeats what they did in school and becomes a waste of time
3. It causes tantrums and parents resent it
4. Parent become too involved and end up DOING the homework.
5. A half of the day kids are in school the other half they're doing homework
6. Kids need time to play and get exercises
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because it is a waste of time considering thats we are at school most of the day and don't need to learn the same thing again. Come on teachers. I think thats a great reason why we should get rid of homework.
GOrga Lemming Profile
GOrga Lemming answered
It is not fun
Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

They do enough work in school.

Winter Profile
Winter answered
I think kids should have homeowork to simulate what they learned at school.

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