Physical education is something that all schools do to ensure that the students are going to be fit and healthy when they are young, the main objects are to ensure that they understand the human body and the exercise that it needs, they understand that they need to stay fit and healthy, being active and also to enjoy themselves when they are doing exercise which is something that all children and teenagers don't have much faith in!
• Staying fit and healthy
Physical education is in place to ensure that pupils are going to be getting exercise if they are not active at home. In today's society there are more and more concerns that children and teenagers are not as fit as they should be, and therefore this is a main objective.
• Being active
Our bodies need to be active to ensure that they are going to burn fat and that we are going to be able to fit off any infections that we may catch. Being active is an objective because it keeps up motivated and there is a burst of energy which comes from it.
• Understanding the human body
We all know that we need to do exercise but that doesn't mean that we are going to do it. Within schools physical education is in place to ensure that the pupils are going to know how they can work their body and how their body can work for them
• Having fun when you are exercising
Physical education isn't designed to be boring, it is trying to ensure that the pupils are going to be fit and also have fun.
If there wasn't physical education in place then students would probably be more inactive then they already are now. The objectives are in place to ensure that there is going to be as much interest in physical education as possible for the students.