
What is the difference between academic reading and non-academic reading?


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Greg Allen Profile
Greg Allen answered
Academic reading is reading for a higher education qualification such as a degree, whereas non-academic reading is simply reading for fun.
When people study at university level, it is often referred to as 'reading for a degree'. This is because a lot of reading and research is needed when studying at this level. Academic reading is more difficult than non-academic reading as more concentration is needed. Whole books probably won't be read, as there will be elements of a number of books that will need to be studied.
If a student at degree level is writing an essay, it is vital that they research their information from a number of sources, this will include books, journals, online articles and newspapers. It is also vital that a student learns to skim through information. This is useful when checking to see if certain books are going to be applicable to the subject matter that you are researching.
Notes should be made when reading academically. If the book is your own then highlight key points and note key quotes and words. This will become very useful when the bulk of any written work is undertaken, as it will mean that the books you have researched, and the parts of the books that are most important to your studies, will be easier to access and reference.
It is also essential to make a note of the name and the author of any books you are reading when writing an academic piece. The publisher details should also be noted, as all of this information will be placed in a bibliography at the end of an academic piece of work.
Non-academic reading is fun, and this should be undertaken when you have some spare time, as if you are enjoying a book for this purpose, it is easy to immerse yourself into the story.

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