Fred gave a good description of calculating 10% (of 3000) more than 3000.
3000 + 3000*10% = 3000*1.10 = 3300
In math, the word "over" is often used to signify a fraction when it is found between two numbers or expressions. If that is what you mean, it is calculated by dividing .10 by 3000.
(10%)/(3000) = 0.10/3000 = .0000333333...(repeating)
3000 + 3000*10% = 3000*1.10 = 3300
In math, the word "over" is often used to signify a fraction when it is found between two numbers or expressions. If that is what you mean, it is calculated by dividing .10 by 3000.
(10%)/(3000) = 0.10/3000 = .0000333333...(repeating)