If you want to be a Certified Nursing Assistant in Indiana, you will need to undertake a state approved training program first. During that program you will learn how to give basic nursing care and personal care in a variety of situations. You do not need to have a high school diploma to train to be a CNA, but if you are at public school, you will be able to do the training for free, so that you will be already certified and qualified when you actually leave school.
For others, free CNA programs are sometimes available at different healthcare organizations in Indianapolis in exchange for you committing to working for them for up to a year after you have completed your training. There is a great site that provides a list of all the establishments in Indiana who may be prepared to do this for you: cnatraininghelp.com/free-cna-training/indiana/
If you can’t get free training you may be able to get it at a reduced cost through a career school. In some instances grants and scholarships are offered by the state of Indiana so if you can access these, your costs are going to be reduced even more.
Sometimes your personal circumstances may mean that you will be entitled to help towards paying for a state approved CNA training program. For example, if you are a displaced homemaker, which means that you have lost income because of a divorce, a spouse’s death or disability, you could qualify for funding to train for a new career. If you have lost your previous job because of the company’s downsizing or the closing of a business (in other words, through no fault of your own), you may also qualify for financial help towards a new career.
For others, free CNA programs are sometimes available at different healthcare organizations in Indianapolis in exchange for you committing to working for them for up to a year after you have completed your training. There is a great site that provides a list of all the establishments in Indiana who may be prepared to do this for you: cnatraininghelp.com/free-cna-training/indiana/
If you can’t get free training you may be able to get it at a reduced cost through a career school. In some instances grants and scholarships are offered by the state of Indiana so if you can access these, your costs are going to be reduced even more.
Sometimes your personal circumstances may mean that you will be entitled to help towards paying for a state approved CNA training program. For example, if you are a displaced homemaker, which means that you have lost income because of a divorce, a spouse’s death or disability, you could qualify for funding to train for a new career. If you have lost your previous job because of the company’s downsizing or the closing of a business (in other words, through no fault of your own), you may also qualify for financial help towards a new career.