How Do You Find The Percentage?


3 Answers

Larry Patterson Profile
Larry Patterson answered
If it is an increase: Subtract the original amount from the new amount (giving the difference) and divide the original amount into the difference, then multiply by 100.

If it is a decrease:  Subtract the new amount from the original amount, didive the original amount into the difference, then multiply by 100.
Selena Antell Profile
Selena Antell answered
It depends what you need to find the percentage of...

for instance if you need to find 7% of 450 you would divide 450 by 100 to find out what 1% is and then times it by 7 to find out what 7% is.

Hope this helps.
Mateusz Mucha Profile
Mateusz Mucha answered
It depends on what you're really looking for.
If you want to find what percent of x (denominator) is y (numerator), then do 100*y/x.  Example: 100 * 20 / 80 = 25 (25% of 80 is 20).
The other way around: Denominator = 100 * numerator / percentage.  80 = 100 * 20 / 25.

All this and the percentage increase can be quickly calculated with percentage calculator.

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